Monday, August 4, 2008

The Scarlet Letter

Well, it finally happened. I knew it was bound to occur sooner or later, and it finally did. I was in Buehler's pharmacy with both kids getting a prescription filled for Colin. Riley was standing beside me holding my hand and Colin was in the stroller. A woman in line behind me struck up a conversation by commenting on my daughter's lovely hair. 
"I can see she looks just like her mother," she said. 
I smiled and thanked her. Then she took a little peak around the stroller at Colin.
"Oh, your husband must have dark coloring," was her next remark.
"No," I said, "He has blond hair and blue eyes too." 
I think this woman dislocated her eyebrows they shot up so fast. She looked as if she was dying to ask more questions but thought better of it. Jeff believes I shouldn't take such wicked delight in someone's false assumptions about my virtue or lack thereof, but I found it rather humorous. Perhaps I should have informed her that the big "A" she was imagining on my chest really stood for adoption.

1 comment:

Mills Family said...

Don't you just love curious people. My favorite (not asked to me, but I've heard) is "how much was he?" I love talking about adoption, but it can be very interesting how people approach it!