Friday, July 3, 2009

How Not to Photograph Children

I know some people actually take photographs of children for a living. I don't know why they choose that occupation. I can think of other jobs that pay better and are less challenging, like being a brain surgeon. I like to post cute photos of my kids but getting a good shot can be difficult to say the least. I'm so glad my children were born in the age of digital photography. For every one good picture you see, there are dozens, even hundreds, that just didn't make the cut. I had the bright idea last week to take the kids over to the Barn to feed the ducks and snap some adorable pictures. We accomplished one of those tasks for which the ducks were very grateful. Here are the results of our other endeavor.
"We find the pavement more exciting than Mom."
"We call this the poor little orphans pose. If Mom sepia tones this we'll look like we just stepped off the boat at Ellis Island."
"I think Mom is violating child labor laws by making us do this."
"Are we dooooooooone yet?
"Fine, we'll look at the stupid camera but we're not smiling."

I'm not the only one who has trouble getting a nice posed shot of the kids. Jeff took these two weeks ago.
Colin - "I have no intention of cooperating. How 'bout you sis?"
Riley - "Nope."
Colin - " I am staring down the camera. I think I'm winning."
Riley - "These rocks hurt my tuckus."

Riley - ???
Colin - "I just do what she does."
Hallelujah, a nice picture!
Colin - "Ok, you got your shot. I'm outta here."

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