Sunday, January 18, 2009

Christmas Morning

We had a quiet Christmas (relatively speaking) at our house. Riley woke us up a little after seven to inform us that the sun was up. This is her signal that she is allowed to get out of bed. She was excited about the gifts under the tree and was disappointed to learn that she had to wait for her brother to wake up before she could begin to open them. Once Colin woke up and both kids had their morning chocolate milk, the tearing of paper began. Despite the fact that this is Colin's first Christmas home, he seemed to know exactly what to do with a wrapped gift. Both kids were very appreciative of their gifts. My parents came over later in the morning for brunch and the kids were thrilled to show off their new toys. I'm happy to report that several weeks after Christmas, the toys are still being enjoyed. Riley likes to use her Tag reading pen during rest time and Colin loves to play with his "guys" and their construction equipment.
Riley is trying to wait patiently for Colin to get up.
Colin really liked his fire truck. He was quite content to play with it still in the box. 
"I've got the sitting part- now how do I make it spin?"
"Do you think Switchfoot needs another band member?"
These electric toothbrushes were a big hit. The kids seem to think they're toys. Nothing like a little covert oral hygiene. 

1 comment:

Jen said...

LOL. Love the toothbrush idea. Isn't it great that we can pass off things that are good for our kids (manners, healthy stuff, etc.) as fun for now? Katie loves to say "peas" and "Dank doo" constantly -- she loves the getting the delighted reactions (and usually whatever food she's eyeing at the time) and I'm thrilled to see her using her manners so young. Miss you!