Thursday, March 13, 2008


It's now 40 minutes into Thursday morning and I'm still up. We are T minus 2 days before our first trip to Russia. Just when I'm ready to settle down for the night, I start thinking about all the things I don't want to forget to do before we leave. Then when I've exhausted that list, I start to worry about all the things that are completely out of my control like theoretical flight delays that could make us miss our connecting flight in Warsaw or the ever dropping value of the dollar. This reminds me of Riley's adoption a little over two years ago. I don't think I slept more than a few hours each night we were in Russia. I frequently ended up doing Sodoku puzzles in the bathtub of our hotel room at 3:00 am -I didn't want to disturb Jeff. Phillipians 4:6 says to "be anxious for nothing." I'm usually better at that. I know that God has everything planned. I just need to remember that it's not my job to make sure those plans are carried out. He only asks me to trust. 

On a lighter note, I offered Riley a little spoonful of marshmallow cream while we were making a cake. She was a little suspicious of the thick, white substance at first, but after taking a taste she declared, "Mmmmmm, dats a good spoon licker!" 


Mills Family said...

Sodoku are good for the brain! When my mind won't stop racing, that is where I go! Works every time! I think I went through about 5 books while waiting for Toby to come home (one of those at the airport on his arrival day!)

Riley is a doll, gotta love Marshmallow Fluff!

Jen said...

I love your Riley stories! Hope you're enjoying your trip -- can't wait to hear about your adventures once you're back.